Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Concert, Snow

A few days ago I went to a concert for Jónas Sigurðsson by the pond. It was 2.000kr for a ticket and the venue was (what I imagined to be) small. The seats were like movie theater seats, red and covered with fabric. It was a shame we had to sit because this was definitely dancing music. In between songs they explained how they came up with the song ideas and such but I couldn't understand most of it. I couldn't understand the song lyrics either.

Yesterday was my first day back at school after my week's vacation, and today was the first day of snow! It only snowed for a few minutes that I saw (maybe five?) and I think it turned into mini hail by the end, but it all stuck to the ground. I hope it snows more later today, it's still ten in the morning so there's hope.

A friend, Edward, is coming to stay with me through December and some of January. We're going to buy some Swedish Christmastime things (food I think?) so he feels more at home.

There's a Halloween party and my friends are all going, the theme is "Wild West". I don't think I'm going and I don't have a costume anyway, but two friends are going as Uncle Scrooge and Goldie. I was thinking about getting together a thief costume, but there's no point if I don't go anywhere (although I might just keep an eye out all year and have it for next year).


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